A. Arozarena-Villar, L. Garcia-Asensio, G. Gillermo Villa-Alcazar, J. Hermosilla-Cardenas, F. Papi-Montanel, N. Valcarcel-Sanz, J.J. Peces-Morera, E. Domenech-Tofiño, C. Garcia-Gonzalez, J.A. Tejeiro-Orellana

National Geographic Institute, Spain


Some institutions of National and regional levels keep geographic information databases which are not integrated or are not compatible: different scales, incomplete cover of Spanish territory (regional databases), different revision intervals, etc., and normally each institution obtains only the information for its own needs. In order to solve this problem IGN started the PNOT plan as it follows.

The main objectives of PNOT are:

-          Apply Inspire principles to information on Land Use/Land Cover

-          Share costs of information and avoid duplicities, so we can obtain better and more “up to date” information.

-          Obtain an integrated Information System (spatially, temporal and semantically) that help different institutions to take coordinated decisions (based on the same information).

-          Information obtained must satisfy the requirements of participant institutions, European Union (Corine Land Cover, GMES…) and rest of social agents.

The components of PNOT are:

-          National Plan of Aerial Orthophotography (PNOA)

Orthophotos of all Spain each two years with 0,50 m pixel size (or less), DTM and DSM within 2 m obtained from a decentralized production.

-          National Remote Sensing Plan (PNT)

This program tries to obtain satellite image coverages of Spain with different resolutions: high (SPOT 5 HRG 2,5 m and others, each year), medium (LANDSAT 7 ETN, LANSAT 5 TM, TERRA-ASTER…, 1 to 4 months) and low resolution (TERRA-MODIS, SPOT-VEGETATION…, 1 to 30 days).

-          Information System of Land Use / Land Cover Information (SIOSE)

This able to integrate different data of regional and national administrations, which hopes to achieve a multidisciplinary spatial data infrastructure at (cartographic equivalent) 1:25.000 scale and updated each 5 years.